The medical benefits provided by the University are governed by the University Staff Medical Benefits Scheme . The operation of the Scheme is administered by the Director of the University Health Service.
Primary Care
Open to all full-time appointees and part-time appointees whose monthly salary is not less than half of that payable to a full-time appointee of the same grade, and their dependants.
Out-patient care at the University Health Service shall include:
(a) medical examination and advice;
(b) treatment including pharmaceuticals and dressings;
(c) routine laboratory investigations;
(d) radiodiagnosis;
(e) physiotherapy;
(f) preventive measures and immunisations;
(g) health education;
(h) dental care.
Out-patient care shall mostly be provided free of charge, except that a fee will be charged for physiotherapy, dental care, external appliances, preventive, elective or expensive items/procedures.
Note:Out-patient care may also be provided by a panel of doctors to operate in parallel with the University Health Service for appointees on Terms of Service I, II and III, Band A – J, full-time appointees on temporary terms who have served one year or more, and their eligible dependants, who have difficulty travelling back to the University for medical consultation when they are sick. Such out-patient care shall include consultation and short-term medications. Eligible members may have to contribute part of the cost of such service.
Secondary and Tertiary Care
Full Time appointees on Terms of Service I, II, III and on the broadbanding structure or full-time appointees on temporary contracts with one year service or more may receive:
(a) Specialist consultations, investigations, treatment in either Hospital Authority (HA) or private specialist clinics.
(b) in-patient care in either HA or a private hospital.
Provision of both in-patient and out-patient care is subject to the condition that authorization and arrangements are made by the Director of the University Health Service.
In case of emergency where prior consent from the University Health Service is not possible, staff member should notify the attending physician at the University Health Service as soon as practicable after admission, so that arrangements for payment of the hospital bills can be made.
Maternity Care
Subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, the University will meet the cost of maternity care inclusive of doctor’s fee for antenatal care, delivery and postnatal care, all related investigations and hospital charges up to the maximum reimbursement level.
Enquiries on the level of reimbursement of medical expenses can be addressed to the UHS at 3917 2508, email:
Emergency Consultation
Emergency visits will be undertaken by doctors of the University Health Service for emergency calls arising from eligible appointees from within the University main campus during office hours only.
Dental Care
Dental care at the University Health Service is available to eligible appointees and their dependants. Dental charges are based on the actual procedure and the appointees’ Terms of Service. These charges will be revised from time to time by the University Health Services Committee. The latest charges are obtainable from the University Health Service.
To provide more option to staff in getting dental treatment, the University has appointed three outside dental groups to offer self-pay dental plans on preferential rates to students, staff and retirees, to supplement the dental services provided by the University Health Service.
Enquiry on the eligibility of the dental plans can be addressed to the UHS at 3917 2501, email:
Catastrophic Insurance Plan
Apart from the Staff Medical Benefits Scheme, the University provides appointees eligible for hospitalization benefits an additional catastrophic insurance coverage. Details of the Catastrophic Insurance Plan can be found at
Top-Up Medical Insurance Plan
The University has arranged with Bupa to offer staff members a voluntary Top-Up Medical Insurance Plan. The Plan aims at covering most of the shortfall between the benefits entitlement under the University's Staff Medical Benefits Scheme and the actual costs of hospitalization. Details of the Top-Up Medical Insurance Plan can be found at
Information on Breastfeeding and Antenatal class
- University Health Service
- Private Hospitalization and Specialist Consultation: Maximum Reimbursable Charges
- Charge for Dental Services
- Outside Panel Doctors Scheme
- Self-pay Medical Scheme
- Self-pay Dental Scheme
- Catastrophic Insurance Plan
- Top-Up Medical Insurance Plan
- Medical Insurance for Leavers and Retirees
- Information on Breastfeeding and Antenatal class