Skills Training / Professional Development Workshops

  • English Courses

    [These courses are catered for Professional Services Staff who have indicated their needs for enhancing their English proficiency in the PRSD exercise.]details

  • IT Competence Courses

    [These courses are catered for Professional Services Staff who have indicated their needs for IT competence training in the PRSD exercise.]details

  • Skills Training/Professional Development Workshops

    [To enroll, please register through the Human Capital Management System (HCMS): (HKU Portal > More> Self Service > Human Resources > Staff Development > Request Training Enrollment)]link

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  • Application for Grants from the Continuing Professional Development Budget (CPDB) can be made via :HKU Portal
    (HKU Portal > Sitemap > Self Service > Human Resources > Staff Development > Request CPD Grant)
  • CPDG Reimbursement Claim should be submitted via: HKU Portal
    (Log in HKU Portal > Finance & Expenses > Expense Report Creation)
  • FEO Contact List