(This circular will be issued via bulk-email and intranet)
To: All staff members on Terms of Service I or Bands G to J
Dear Colleagues,
e-Declaration of Interests Form
To protect the reputation of individual staff members and the University and show accountability to the public, you are now invited to declare interests annually or update your declaration as and when necessary by completing an on-line e-Declaration of Interests (DoI) Form. You can access the system via HKU Portal (clicking "My Page" > "Self Service" > "Human Resources" > "Declaration of Interest"). A sample declaration is available in the on-line system for your reference.
Major Features of the e-Declaration Form
2. The e-Declaration Form consists of the following major features:
the Form has to be completed annually by TOS I and Bands G to J staff members in September/October each year;
permission to undertake outside practice work should not be submitted through this Form. A separate application should be made via the Outside Practice Management System;
submission of information on investments in listed public companies is not required unless the percentage of shares is over 20%;
Heads/Deans/Directors are required to note the submissions of staff in their Department/Faculty/Centre in this Form;
all data on the e-Forms will be saved in the system, and individual staff members and Deans/Heads of Departments/Centres/Units concerned can refer to the data at any time;
an annual report will be sent through the system to the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Director of Human Resources and Director of Finance for information;
there will be a link in the system to the Conflict of Interest Guidelines.
3. The on-line system will enable Heads of Departments to be informed of appointments outside the University and be alerted to potential conflict of interest situations.
4. Please note that declaring your interests via the DoI system does not imply that you are permitted to engage in the declared transactions or activities involving potential or actual conflict of interest. Whenever a potential or actual conflict of interest situation arises, it is your responsibility to make full disclosure immediately to the appropriate authorities in accordance with the University's Guidelines on Conflict of Interest.
5. The Guidelines on Conflict of Interest in the Staff Manual/Staff Handbook can be viewed at .
6. The University will regularly review the procedures on handling declaration of interests. We hope that good practices on this issue can be further developed among the University community. Should you have any enquiries on the on-line system, please contact Mr. Wiley Chau, Computer Officer, Computer Centre (email:
Yours sincerely,
Professor Roland T. Chin
Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost
Chair of Computer Science
September 8, 2011
cc Director of Human Resources
Director of IT Services
Director of Finance